Saturday, March 31, 2018

Easter Bulletin: Crazy Catholic Question #133 - Dear C&E Catholics

Dear C&E Catholics (Christmas & Easter Catholics. Yes, you have a nickname),

We are aware that this might not be your first choice of where to be spending your time today. Perhaps you are here against your will. “Mom guilt” is a powerful force in the universe. Some of you may not even be sure if you believe in God anymore or that our spiritual life is real, or important, or worth investing time and energy into.

If this is where you are at, I hear you. Because truth be told: Jesus has officially been confiscated; His teachings twisted by corrupt politicians and wayward religious leaders for years. As a result, even the utterance of the name “Jesus” in any public forum is often received with disdain; perceived by most as distasteful and inappropriate; sometimes even more offensive than the strongest of curse words.

Even I – the Director of Religious Education here – sometimes find discussion about “religion” repellant. Talk of church is sometimes such a turn-off that it makes me queasy. No lie. Jesus, a hero by any measure (even for those who do not recognize him as God), is badly in need of a new Public Relations manager.

But here’s the thing. I believe with everything I’ve got that our relationship and understanding of God (aka: our spiritual life) whether it is strong and healthy or wimpy and ill-informed effects us more than any other aspect of our life. I believe that tradition is to a community what memory is to an individual. I value being part of the 2000 years+ long continuum of our faith tradition that continues to try and figure out what God is all about and why we are here. I enjoy our collective pondering of these big questions even though most days I think we have about as much insight as an ant trying to figure out astrophysics. Nonetheless, I find beauty and meaning here.

So, the way I see it, it is my job is to make a good case for choosing to hang your hat here. That is what I’m hired by this community to do. So let me throw a piece of spaghetti on the wall and see if it sticks…

We Catholics hold a very strong conviction that God wishes to communicate with us. How and where? First and foremost, in what God has made; namely creation itself; all of nature, animals, plants, the stars and the incredible expanse of time and space of which we are a part.

Second, we hear God in the bible, which is more of a library than a book. Don’t start on page one or you’ll never make it. Rather, start with the Gospel of Matthew or Luke. You can read either one in its entirety in about an hour – and then you can say you have read the entire story of Jesus first hand, not filtered by anyone else.

Third, we hear God in the collective wisdom of the church; the living, changing, growing tradition of our community. Doctrine can and DOES change, but not if everyone with a brain in their head takes their toys and goes home.

Finally, we hear God by listening to our own experiences and inner workings: our mind, our will, memory, imagination, feelings, desires – all these are actually designed to sense the presence of God in our lives. So if we listen to our deepest longings, this is where God communicates with us. Our job is to get quiet (aka “pray”) and listen for that small, still voice within us.

So, if this resonates with you at all, call me or email me, Lisa Brown, at and give me a shot at doing my job (a billable hour at Starbucks? Yes please!) Happy Easter P.S. There are worse motivations than pleasing Mom. Glad you are here.

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