How do I connect with a CTR Small Group?
When it comes to concretely living our faith and truly “being” church; the body of Christ, the “rubber-hits-the-road” in the connections and relationships formed through small groups. Whether its a MOMS group, book studies, RCIA, our Youth Group, an old FIRE group, Scripture Study, or just a group of parishioners, friends and/or neighbors who enjoy and find strength in getting together every now and then to share their stories about faith and life; THIS is the kind of “house church” that most resembles our early church roots. We go to each other’s family funerals, weddings, baptisms….we are there for one another when we lose a job, struggle with our children, care for our aging parents. Our Education Commission hopes to invite, help launch new and nurture existing on-going Small Groups within our larger parish community.
FAQ’s: How to Join a CTR Small Group?
You can sign-up for our Lenten Small Group session by visiting our website at and following the prompts. Signing up is as easy as filling out the form with your name, email address and hitting submit. We'll take care of the rest.
When are Small Groups starting?
Our Lenten small groups gather in February & March. We are calling our Lenten small group session our CTR “Bring-a-Friend Lenten Book Discussion” (see last week’s bulletin or CCQ#65 at and we will be discussing the remarkable book The Church of Mercy by Pope Francis. Copies will be sold for 2 for $10 (60% off what you pay on Amazon!) or $6 for an individual copy after Masses beginning Jan. 30th. Your Small Group Facilitator will contact you about the start date & location. We will offer another sign up in summer & another in the fall.
How many weeks are Small Groups meeting for?
Our small communities meet for 5 or 6 weeks during Lent (February & March), Summer (July & August) and Fall (October & November).
I'm not a member at the Christ the Redeemer. Is it ok if I join a small group? Absolutely. Everyone is welcome. Without exception.
The small group I signed up for isn't really a good fit for me. Is it ok if I try another one?
Yes, please email Lisa Brown, our Director of Religious Education & Family Ministry at if you'd like help finding another small group that hopefully is a better fit.
Can I go to more than one small group?
Yes, if you actually have time to attend more than one small group. Most people find that they have the best experience if they attend one small group consistently, rather than several small groups occasionally.
I'm interested in leading/facilitating a small group. What should I do?
We are always looking for new people to lead small groups. We provide great training and support to help you have a positive experience as you lead. Please contact Steve Marks, our CTR deacon, at about next steps.
I’m interested in hosting a small group in my home, but not serving as the leader/facilitator. How do I sign up for that?
Thank you for your hospitality! Please contact Lisa Brown at to sign up.
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