Saturday, August 12, 2017

Crazy Catholic Question #110 - Atrium Training

CCQ #110: Is there special training for someone who is interested in becoming a catechist in our faith formation program in the atrium (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd style)?

Yes there is! First off, if you haven’t visited our new Level 2 atrium, let me invite you to a little open house and guided tour after our homecoming “Mass in the Grass.” Look for the signs or ask around for Lisa Brown (big nose, big smile at the door, that would be me) and I’ll be eager and delighted to bend your ear for a few minutes about this brilliant, Montessori style of faith formation that we began instituting here at CTR in 2015 (visit for details or read a wonderful article on the CGS method in America magazine at this link:

AND secondly, lest our K-8 Coordinators come with pitchforks to permanently remove me from my position as DRE, you DON’T need the “official” 90 hours of formal Catechesis of the Good Shepherd training to serve as a catechist in our program. All we need is your dedication and interest. We have a short catechist orientation coming up Tuesday, Sept. 19th at 6PM OR Wednesday, Sept. 20th at 11AM. Short, sweet and we give you every single thing you need to be an effective catechist for our children; an immeasurably valuable role in appropriating our faith to the next generation. Need not have children to volunteer! All that is needed is a welcoming way and a willingness to be present and kind to our little ones and you are in! That being said….

If our program is to continue to grow, we really DO need at least 15-20 of our CTR members to seriously consider taking the formal training (which is recognized by our Archdiocese for official, resume worthy certification). If you can dedicate one Saturday a month from now until June to this beautiful, retreat-like catechist formation course, the training begins Saturday, Sept. 16th at 9AM with Sr. Nancy Ayotte, IHM (who is absolutely mesmerizing). We are especially looking for members of our community who have a calling to work with 3-6 year olds because we are praying and dreaming about expanding our atrium offerings to this age group. Developmentally, around age six, children begin to imagine God as a judge, so it’s important to have the central parable of the Good Shepherd firmly in place before our children hit that milestone.

If you feel God tugging on your sleeve (or your heart), Sr. Nancy usually allows people to attend the first class for free (I guarantee you will fall in love with CGS within the first 2 hours) and Lisa Brown (that would be me) is always available for a chat over coffee (please, give me a reason to visit Starbucks!). Blessings to you and yours as we begin this new year of spiritual knowing and growing!

Visit to review past articles or send your question/comment to Lisa Brown at

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