Sunday, April 9, 2017

Crazy Catholic Question #100: In Gratitude

Just a little note of deep thanks….

I write this bulletin article on the oddest of anniversaries; a year since my near miss. All day I've been trying to think of something witty and wise to say, but all I keep thinking is - I'm just thankful to be alive. I'm deeply grateful to have more time with my husband, daughters, family & friends. I'm thankful for everyone who prayed for me, made a meal, and comforted my children.

I'm grateful for the first responder police officer who gave me CPR, for EMTs, pacemakers and those who design them, skilled surgeons, kind nurses, and all who work to provide life-saving healthcare. I'm thankful for my loving, dedicated, trustworthy husband Kip, who never left my side and offered such tender, patient care...and still does each day. I'm thankful for my "front-line" family members who took turns keeping vigil at the hospital and helping to care for my girls. I’m thankful for Fr. Joe who was one of the first people to visit me (on a Sunday morning no less) and sang “Be Still My Love” to me and anointed me while I was in a coma. I'm thankful for my loving therapist/spiritual director who has been a steady, wise guide through many a rough terrain, none more so than this weird year of being catapulted into the so called “second half of life” with all the new questions and major quakes of shifting priorities that come with this new phase of awareness.

I'm thankful for peaceful, sunny spring mornings like today and for the sweet smelling lilac bush just outside the front door of my home. I'm thankful for my hero Jesus, his reliable presence to me in the Eucharist, having meaningful and fulfilling work, and for all my genuinely caring colleagues and church pals. I’m thankful for not one, but two amazing “faith families” – my St. John Fisher family just down the road, always there for me and my family when the road becomes bumpy and unpredictable - and all of you here at Christ the Redeemer who I’ve come to love and appreciate more than you know. Thank you for your generous encouragement and whole-hearted welcome into your beautiful communal life of prayer and service. My family is blessed to be here.

I'm thankful for my home, my dog Olive, food on the table, great neighbors, a warm bed, good schools and dedicated teachers. I'm grateful to have more time to read great books, visit beautiful places, share meals, laugh, make love, dance, nap and swing in the backyard with my daughters, and for still being here to kiss them goodnight.

Parker Palmer says "In all of life there is a hidden wholeness" and I felt that wholeness, that connectedness, last year. Thank you for your kindness, care and support during this crazy year. You have touched my life and I am grateful…

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