Saturday, November 28, 2015

Crazy Catholic Question #58: Help! Advent is a blur!

I’m a parent of young children, Advent is usually a blur of holiday preparation and the joys and exhausting chaos of school break - any recommendations on how to draw nearer to God and be more centered & present?

I hear you! Advent is my very favorite season of the year, but it can be a difficult one to truly enter into spiritually, especially if you have small children. I advise against taking on any rigorous new spiritual discipline during this busy time, but there is one simple one that may help. Wine. Making it wasn’t Jesus’ first miracle for nothing! Ha Ha. No, kidding aside, truly St. Ignatius taught a very simple spiritual practice called the “Examen” that is a “small but mighty” way to keep our eyes on Jesus and the beauty of the incarnation this sacred season. 

Here is it….short and sweet:

Recognize the presence of God Take a few deep breathes. Be still and know that you are with God.

Look at your day with gratitude Acknowledge God in the big and small things of life.

Review your day When or where in the past 24 hours did you feel you were cooperating most fully with God’s action in your life? When were you resisting?

Ask yourself: 
What habits and life patterns do I notice?
When did I feel most alive? Most drained of life?
When did I have the greatest sense of belonging? When did I feel most alone?
When did I give love? Where did I receive love?
When did I feel most fully myself? Least myself?
When did I feel most whole? Most fragmented?

Reconcile and Resolve
Seek forgiveness
Ask for direction
Share a concern
Express gratitude
Resolve to move forward

A cool website on this daily Examen:

Also, I highly recommend a little book called This Blessed Mess by Patricia Livingston.

Some days, my Examen reminds me of this lovely post from Rebecca Ruiz entitled A Mom’s Examen (aka “The Burnt Cookie Examen”)

Lord, here I am in your presence.
I’m having a hard time with gratitude right now so please, Lord,
help me to see past the burnt cookies, spilt flour, and milk too.
Piles of dishes, and mountains of laundry too.
Soggy soccer gear, bags of groceries on the floor.
Kids’ tantrums, and grandpa’s too.
My breathless frustrations and imperfections.
Because, Lord, I know that you are all good,
and you are with me through it all.
Each moment, each day, a gift.
I offer you myself, my efforts this day, so imperfect, yet so true.
I offer them to you, my God, who sees beauty where I see mess.
Who makes all things whole, and nothing less.
Remind me, Lord, of the privilege I have in serving you
in the family, in the mundane.
Remind me, Lord, of the gift of food that makes the dishes dirty.
Machines and harnessed power that wash the dishes and laundry too.
You, Lord, who makes a symphony of a practice session.
Gourmet meals of burnt offerings. Harmony from dissonance.
Open my eyes, Lord, to see you in the mud from the field.
You, in the warmth of those around the hearth.
Where I have failed today help me to do better tomorrow.
For where your touch is, there is Grace, Life, Beauty, and Love.
And you know, Lord, I need your Grace, your gentle caress, for imperfect me. 
Imperfect and loved.

Lastly, we have two WONDERFUL Moms groups here at CTR that meet weekly or bi-weekly for faith sharing, friendship and laughter that are always welcoming new participants (childcare provided of course). Happy Advent!

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