Sunday, June 7, 2015

Crazy Catholic Question #37: Face-to-Face

Why is our annual Parent Orientation important?

We have our FINAL PARENT ORIENTATION meeting for our summer program coming up next week, Monday, June 15th at 7PM.  Even though I’m relatively new to this job, there are some patterns I’m noticing.  Each time we hold one of these “Orientations” I get one or two parents who express some frustration about having to attend this meeting every year in order to register their child for our faith formation program.  I would like to briefly share why we think this meeting is important….

First, what this meeting is NOT.  It is not our effort to make your life more difficult.  It is not just another hoop to jump through.  I have three kids and I get it…life is busy.   Our intent is not to coerce or frustrate but rather to have at least one opportunity (about one-hour in length) each year to meet with parents face-to-face to discuss the faith development of our little ones because, YOU, the parents are BY FAR the primary catechists of your children. 

Coming from 16 years of University Ministry, I can tell you there was not one single college student who was involved who didn’t have at least one prayerful parent who talked with them about his/her own personal faith life…NOT…ONE.   In short, everything we do here in our Faith Formation program is a waste of time without the foundation already being set at home. 

At our last orientation meeting I invited parents to share with one another who taught them to pray.  Afterwards I asked for a show of hands “Who in this room was taught to pray by a parent?”  Virtually every hand went up…

So, we think of ourselves in the Office of Family Ministry as your “Support Staff.”  We are here to support you, the parents, in your challenging work of appropriating our faith to your children.   Our goal is to “tool you up” so that even in the blur of our daily lives we manage to fit in a little discussion about Jesus.     

If you spend just 5-minutes a day fostering your child’s spiritual life in some way (dinner & bedtime prayer pretty much cover it), you exceed our annual 30 hours of formal catechesis by a long shot AND you will be more infinitely more effective than we could ever be.  A strong faith community is of course essential in forming our children in the faith, but we have no doubt that the parents are the captains of this team. 

This year our theme is:  Prayer & Parables.  Our goal is two-fold:  to further develop our children’s prayer life and encourage them to ponder some of Jesus’ most profound teachings from Scripture; the Parables. 

Our presupposition is that even the youngest of our little ones have a prayer life; a connection and awareness of God in their lives.   God is present to them in their deepest being and they are capable of developing both a conscious and intimate relationship with God.   Our hope is to provide materials and lessons that nurture this relationship with God, deepen the prayer life that they already have and build on their understanding of God’s dream for our world by introducing (or pondering anew for our older kids) the Parables that Jesus told us.   

This year, to assist our working parents we are partnering with a couple local childcare centers to offer aftercare for our kids.  PLEASE INVITE YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS!  Our summer program is not restricted in any way to just Catholics and/or CTR folks.  Quite the opposite!  It’s a fantastic way to invite new families to our parish!

For a great article on passing on the faith to our kids visit: your "Crazy Catholic Questions" to or read past columns at:
-          Lisa Brown

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